rekindled an old flame, baltimore. jhsph fall formal required a visit, so we piled into a borrowed mini-van, booked a last-minute hotel room via iphone, and crashed the bi-annual prom. maryland science center this year, though all of the best dinosaur bones were cordoned off. pretty difficult to boogie inside a t-rex rib cage, i guess. ended our journey at the finest late-night diner: paper moon.
hosted a norwegian and icelandic couchsurfing duo, both exchange students studying in iowa. jazz festival at the kennedy center meant a week of free concerts to choose from, so we met at monday's show and watched some excellent musicians play old doo-wop hard bop.
analyzed medicare beneficiaries who spend disproportionately high amounts on health care (top 10% maybe? we haven't decided where to draw the line, we'd like to focus on chronic high spenders, rather than isolated injury cases). we tore into the medicare current beneficiary survey data, and generated a bunch of charts, graphs, and tables. i'm excited about turning this into a predictive regression.
noticed the inaugural construction forced the decades-old nuclear vigil ( outside the white house to relocate to h street.
landed in jamaica with no real plan, no idea what to expect, no place to stay. immigration apparently doesn't take kindly to that, so i called this guy ( and got his address in negril; that's not where i ended up.
saw your thanksgiving turkey and raised you a jerk chicken in the caribbean sunshine.