love max baucus. but not just this week.
would like to thank whichever good lord has kept airplanes cellphone-free.
noticed that multi-tasking has permeated our culture's youths' conversation. three kids will average two speakers at any given time. psychobabble.
rooted for google (1) (2).
failed to acquire peyote seeds.
flew to arizona state..
learned the ways of the cowboy..

cowboys flying on invisible steeds
cowboy structural engineerings
cowboy streams

and cowboy homes
for what other rancher can herd the feline
cowboy shouts to our solar system: "say cheese!"

never would've guessed it, but phoenix fucking rocks.
shipped off about ten books for paperbackswap. you should try it out.
read the thief at the end of the world.
"god is great, but the forest is greater." - amazonian proverb
"the yanomami..had no concept of natural death, attributing it instead to black magic - which had to be avenged."
"the yanomami..had no concept of natural death, attributing it instead to black magic - which had to be avenged."
"the story of how one man..pulled off one of the most successful and far-reaching acts of biological piracy in world history."
"thirty-four years after henry's theft, the british rubber grown in the far east from henry's seeds would flood the world market, collapsing the amazon economy in a single year."
sketch of a rubber tree being tapped
a rubber tree with tappers' scars
"from 1850 to 1913, the amazon valley had been the world's single source of high-quality rubber...in 1900, the region produced 95 percent of the world's rubber. by 1928..barely 2.3 percent."
"thirty-four years after henry's theft, the british rubber grown in the far east from henry's seeds would flood the world market, collapsing the amazon economy in a single year."
sketch of a rubber tree being tapped
a rubber tree with tappers' scars