wrote syntax to convert meps sas instructions into an executable sas program.
read half of an end to suffering: the buddha in the world. kind of an asshole for ditching his family in the middle of the night. also, not a great book.
believe the hype. u2 concerts are as good as they say.
flew to heaven, i mean madison.


curdish cheese

probably cheese-fed meats

walked through the capitol dome, with..
dropped in on marching band practice.

drank boot beer.

ate frozen custard..
..and falafel.

polka danced.
caught up with my future doctor friends..
and emily, my upstanding, studious, yet easily camera angle-victimized friend.
didn't understand..

became a lake ninja in racine county.

followed the pilgrims.

saw red.

sang songs..
..everybody knows.
on wisconsin..