found a way to avoid the impossibly long urls when copying links from google search results.
photographed rain.

plotted every inpatient prospective payment system hospital in the united states with r. also played around with county-level maps.
layout(matrix(1:4,2,2))photographed rain.

plotted every inpatient prospective payment system hospital in the united states with r. also played around with county-level maps.
#code to create four county maps in r
#code to create four county maps in r
map('county', interior=FALSE , fill = TRUE, col = palette() , lty=0 , resolution=0)
title("US County Map - All Colors")
map('county', interior=FALSE , fill = TRUE, col = rgb(seq(0,1,.1),seq(1,0,-.1),0) , lty=0 , resolution=0)
title("US County Map - Green to Red")
map('county','ohio', interior=FALSE , fill = TRUE, col = palette() , lty=0 , resolution=0)
title("Ohio County Map - All Colors")
map('county','ohio', interior=FALSE , fill = TRUE, col = rgb(seq(0,1,.1),seq(1,0,-.1),0) , lty=0 , resolution=0)
title("Ohio County Map - Green to Red")
used the r-help mailing list for the first time, second time. great to get assistance from hyper-intelligent people.. within a few hours.. for free. in other news, r can now export directly to multiple tabs in excel.
believe that, in light of the taliban paying unemployed young afghans $8 per attack, obama's strategy makes a lot of sense.
ate defective ice cream cones, then saw sofia talvik at the swedish embassy.

dropped by georgetown law school for an excellent panel on health reform, with dean judy feder, charles krauthammer, e.j. dionne, congressman lynch, and senator barrasso, m.d., + wolf blitzer moderating. a lot of squabbling over facts.

caught an 'artists in residence' show at the strathmore mansion.
saw cate blanchett play blanche dubois at the kennedy center for as many dollars as you can count on twenty five fingers. her redemption for benjamin button.

received my hp g71 laptop + windows 7. $720 w/ 17" screen, dual processor & 4gb ram. a 'best buy', consumer reports don't lie.

used to wonder how shazam works, until this article explained it.
invited my friend martha.. the romanian ambassador's house.. see some cuban guitar hero.
we chatted with geniuses

people-watched, dracula-watched

admired crystal chandeliers, grand pianos, folding chairs
..oh and there was some music too.