hopped the high speed rail..
..to seoul.
blended in..
..for a while.
quote miguel, "do you know how fucked up india would be if there were flying cars?"
biked on the han.
played impromptu bumper boats..
..even more fun when your opponents don't realize bumper boats was an option. because it's not. which is why we said, "sorry"
invented the xapply function with naveen.
xapply = function( ... ) do.call( paste0( sample( letters , 1 ) , "apply" ) , list( ... ) )
toured old temples..
..more modern insanities not far away.
saw, did all the usual stuff, too..
consensual photo bombs
portuguese embassies, bowling
unsleepable benches - anti-homeless. yes, she's probably irritated about that as well.
lollipop bouquets
angry christians
confirmed non-vampire angry christians
miscellaneous pig snouts
coffee mug equivalents
dent prevention failures
buildings as typical as days ending in y
me sir, can i take your picture with this camera right here? / i want
to demonstrate to my
friends back home that some people in korea wear glasses frames without
any lenses in them because they think it looks cool. / oh you don't
speak english very well? / *snap* / well thank you anyway, it's
alright, i will just ask somebody else then.
am not the only one.
can't tell if it's weirder that an elderly caucasian couple would say something in korean or that they talk out of their belly buttons.
held a stupid-face competition, miguel the only contestant.
popped polaroids.
measure wealth on a scale of adventure.