this week i

worked on a paper for this guy.  while developing graphics - me: fuck do you want calibri or cambria huseyin: cambria. calibri is for losers

wrapped my head around knitr, necessary to write code for the ucla stat folks.  hey did knitr's author yihui sign up for screenr (the hosting service i use for twotorials) just after viewing my video on his formatr?

learned three states have longer coastlines than california.  quick, name them!

read about the broader utility of studying rare diseases.  "it’s like trying to harness a chain reaction at the heart of an atom bomb...and turning it into something safe and controllable, like a nuclear reactor."

hit the survey-adjusted goodness-of-fit jackpot.  as the accompanying paper says, the correct test for nhis, nhanes, etc.

met up with my favorite father-to-be, in the biblical sense.  oh, also, business idea:  where slap bracelets meet clergy neckgear.

stumbled on my favorite map ever of the week - antipodal.  from my dc birthplace, singapore's the furthest i've been - perth would set the record.

cleaned out some of dad's attic, found an old simcity population table from way back when bombay was bombay.


this week i

published an analysis of how different definitions of poverty affect older americans and also the keys to the nyc housing and vacancy survey.

assume structural engineers must be good at jenga.

hung out with newly-minted doctors.

found a bug in the r survey package's confint.svyglm method while a horse-drawn fruit cart rode on by.

signed up to change this world.  follow-through is a breeze.

walked past edgar allen poe's kinda tree on our way to..

..the rave.

dub this one 'fifty shades of purple'

hung out in the locker room.  my biceps will be visible any day now.

removed shoes, completed a pass..

..quick lucy, yank it away!

had a party.  because isn't that the point?


this week i

loaded the medicaid statistical information system into monetdb with monetdb.r. queries on 60 million records? under one minute. buh-bye sas.

cooked for myself.  olasjc might've turned water to wine, but could he turn lime to avocado?

hung out with curtis on skype, seen here brandishing his three-euro rodin eraser.

ate, drank on the rooftops.

saw mr. future professor, in town to lecture us all on prescriber behavior.


this week i

unlocked social security data for whoever.

finally figured out what biden's bunch of malarkey line sounded like.  my cousin vinny.  thank you.

altered monetdb boolean values to integers to double types thanks to my man in amsterdam.

Not all direct type cast are supported.
In particular, this one is not.
You can use the following hack

select (cast (cast (am = 0 as integer) as double)...

regards, Martin

can't get enough of this language and its people.

hopped a few escalators..

to baltimore

human-powered, amphibious, art, atv

converted skeptics..

after all, what other city

starts 'em so young

lures you in with free cupcakes

..then lets you drive heavy artillery through the streets.

guess it's settled.  maryland the best state.

met men of many talents.  and his wireless network?  hideyourkidshideyourwifi

can't stand other brands.  shoddy craftsmanship.  jnj4life

agree.  that facade has face value.

watched neighborhood children play.  is this depressing because it's depressing, or only because i quickly assume it's depressing?

 passed the afternoon in the patterson park pagoda.


this week i

am not done.

published importation syntax for the society of actuaries' medical large claims experience study.  the biggest and baddest publicly-available dataset of healthcare expenditure distributions.  busy weekend, more to come.

got my name in an open access journal alongside some big shots.

think we are not alone.

read teddy roosevelt's most famous.

the poorest way to face life is to face it with a sneer

the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory or defeat

the will and the power to work, to fight at need, and to have plenty of healthy children

the average man who protests that his international feeling swamps his national feeling, that he does not care for his country because he cares so much for mankind..that he does not care to be a citizen of any one country, because he is a citizen of the world, is in fact usually an exceedingly undesirable citizen of whatever corner of the world he happens at the moment to be in..if a man can view his own country and all other countries from the same level with tepid indifference, it is wise to distrust him, just as it is wise to distrust the man who can take the same dispassionate view of his wife and mother.  however broad and deep a man's sympathies, however intense his activities, he need have no fear that they will be cramped by love of his native land
