this week i

saw the 2014 employer health benefits survey go live.  matthew and nirmita do everything, i just watch.

lectured about survey analysis with the r language at the lithuanian institute of human geography and demography.  then a few of us stuck around to eat cookies and drink coffee until i found myself with a mouthful of grinds dammit.  also added anciasnapis to my quiver of platypi metaphors.

woke at 5:45 for a thirty-minute zombie-stare at this screen, boiled some broccoli, watched coursera lectures, exercised for an hour.  that's monday, tuesday, thursday, friday.  other mornings more nebulous.  oh and i bought berlin-roasted beans from eastern baltic hipsters.  but who gives a shit.  here are the programming lecture notes:
  • x <- rnorm( 100 ) ; hist( x ) ; rug( x )
  • plot( 1 , 1 , pch = 20 ) ; legend( "topleft" , legend = "some text" , pch = 20 )
  • plot( 1 , 1 , type = "n" )    # plot everything except for the data
  • library(lattice) ; xyplot( Ozone ~ Wind | Month , data = airquality , layout = c( 5 , 1 ) )
  • names( x ) <- make.names( names( x ) )  # overwrite invalid column names with valid ones

reminded myself about extended bracketing.  in the 2nd and 4th columns, blank out all values below zero.
    a <- sapply( rep( 10 , 4 ) , rnorm )
    a[ , c( 2 , 4 ) ][ a[ , c( 2 , 4 ) ] < 0 ] <- NA
    print( a )

shared a strawberry milkshake with a belarusian woman and her infinity shoelaces..

..we walked all of this, she didn't trip once.  now you know as much as i do.
