worked with pauses only for ramen al dente, a rough week in a suffocating month in an ugly year. khat did nothing for me.
published our annual employer health benefits survey, coverage from nyt, wsj now bookdown-based.
ask should webmasters sort state by population not alphabetization. not many nebraskans force numerous new yorkers to toggle down arrow again.
ignore beggars and street hawkers, real-time in-person email spam. my silence at its core says, "hey not my fault you were born"
want to see that video when they successfully program a drone to remain within the calm eye of the hurricane. i can't even photograph an airplane.
would create a museum to one day. buy every newspaper, detail major events, gather media first then photos of worldwide individuals (births, deaths, marriages, divorces) and items, call them artifacts, attached to those hours. prepare with an army of sunrise and sunset photographers across the globe, maybe boring street-life otherwise but unique to the life of that day. preserve then wait.
packed my shit. goodbye first humans, perfect weather. as they say at the end of every chapter in every history book: what a time to be alive