this week i

knocked on rosemarie's door opposite the two small white dogs.  wifi password her phone number, they should all be.  chicken parmigiana in unchanged in decades decor between entenmann's outlet and aquarium store, then physics homework in her dining room.  take the s and the h out of school, that's me.  submitted at ten, drove past medford vape shops, sighted l hearts b signs by eleven.  not the mutter museum but still nice.  three cabin tour by the bride on her wedding's eve, i chose the one with the electrical outlet.  mentos, diet coke, bonfire.  everyone felt good, we are all alive at the same time.  some told jokes, told spooky stories, asked about suburban dakota, wore tattoos.  we walked to the local maximum of the moonlit lake bridge, never has three hours past midnight been brighter.  i declined the special something circling those still awake, listened to the exchange of contented humans when silence doesn't descend into awkwardness.  asleep a few hours in my formal-wear, then last night's coffee, this morning's coffee, a self-assembled bacon egg bagel, back to bed.  at four p.m. the revelers held parliament on riverside earthen rows to watch oaths be sworn and a drone set free.  we ate barbecue, homemade hotsauce, i confess i like white ales.  ben shook my hand, bride kong has done well.  like leadbelly's lover, i drove out of the pines by nine for the home with the fairmount for sale sign.  six a.m. sunday, bed slid down the stairs, out the door, on my back to dodge sidewalk feces, too big to taco into a honda crv.  i can sleep after four cups of coffee, maybe not after pushing a queen mattress up a flight of stairs solo.  west toward wawa pennsylvania for chadd's ford brandywine museum because n.c. wyeth knew how to paint a pirate.  i circumvented delaware, re-fueled at the rest stop with the cashier with the grey eyes, the men in line ahead, behind me told her she was beautiful.  i delivered a desk chair, the one big black dog gently bit my wrist asking if i'll come along.  may we all be together for oh about a century.
