this week i

updated our health coverage estimates by race and ethnicity

met rupak at little serow before nih training

missed zero february days

visited deale for seafood, vintage trail, jug bay sanctuary.  we have a game.  her: anyway.  me: anyhow.  her: anywho.  me: anywhere.  her: anywhat.  me: anywhy.  her: anywhen.  me: dammit, you win.  she asked if i knew what an emoji was, i texted back, "any(owl)"

see it now: the vhs cover image of home alone is an edvard munch original.  if you want someone to listen to, make it professor longhair

read english as she is spoke by jose de fonseca & pedro carolino.  mark twain's favorite

idiotisms and proverbs

these apricots and these peaches make me and to come water in my mouth

we shall have a fine weather to day.
there is some foggy.
i fear of the thunderbolt.
the sun rise on.
the sun lie down.
it is light moon's.

with a hair dresser:
your razors, are them well?
yes, sir.
comb-me quickly; don't put me so much pomatum.  what news tell me?
all hairs dresser are newsmonger.
sir, i have no heared any thing.
a blind did hid five hundred crowns in a corner of their garden; but a neighbour, which was perceive it, did dig up and took its.  the blind not finding more her money, was suspect that might be robed, but one work for take again it?  he was going find the neighbour, and told him that he came to get him a council; that he was a thousand crowns which the half was hided into a sure part and i don't know if i want, if to put the remains to the same part.  the neighbour was council him so and was hasten to carry back the sum, in the hope soon to draw out a thousand.  but the blind having finded the money, was seized it, having called her neighbour, he told him: "gossip, the blind saw clearer than this that may have two eyes"
