see our work in proposed rules, related wsj. are there data other than kff's employer health benefits survey that the departments should consider?
tested tickle immunity, dolor de acumulador, no vaccine for gusanorejas. por que el nino tiro el reloj por la ventana? queria ver el tiempo volando. she scolded the luxury of both hand, dish soaps at kitchen sink. on faulty pink camera: lady ferrero rocher ::: ancient, modern pacific student with quipu, excel, holbein's ambassador's skull ::: post-it note-scaled dragon atop treasure hoard of books, reading by candlelight of her own fire-breath
browsed circus animals, birds of peru playing cards below not the hospital lamp please. which of these 53 birds have you seen? // only pigeons. fox, sheep at muna after tangerine mimosa balcony breakfast. yours look like this, she replied with two-eyed emoji. first and final rain following day
:::found eva cassidy's walk for miles // along the highway // cuz that's just my way. i summarized dore's pieta, thought for her, .5 pedo cerebral et all.
admittedly suck at depicting depth, anamorphosis, tho more fun than darien ferry - gta, gtfo edition. emo starts and ends with cobain's in the pines
read columbine by dave cullen
hemorrhaging terrified children
eric wanted ammo and a date for prom night
eric and dylan expected their attack to puzzle the public, so they left an extraordinary cache of material to explain themselves. they kept schedules, budgets, maps, drawings, and all sorts of logistical artifacts, along with commentary in notebooks, journals, and web sites. a series of videos were specifically designed to explain their attack. they would come to be known as the basement tapes, because the bulk were shot in eric's basement. even more illuminating was eric's twenty-page journal devoted to his thinking. both chronicles are revealing, but also maddeningly contradictory. they were so disturbing that the sheriff's department would choose to hide them from the public, concealing even the existence of the basement tapes for months. eric and dylan's true intentions would remain a mystery for years
they both wore black combat boots and shared a single pair of black gloves - the right on eric, the left on dylan. they left two pipe bombs behind at eric's house, six at dylan's. eric laid a microcasette on the kitchen counter with some final thoughts. they also left the basement tapes, with a final good-bye recording that morning
"there are no patients yet," a journalist reported.."but they are expecting one victim with an ankle wound"
gardner followed protocol and did not pursue eric inside
one room at a time, the team worked methodically toward the killers. it would take three hours to reach their bodies
who would do something like this? robyn asked her girlfriends. who would be this retarded?
to laymen, humans at gunpoint equaled hostages. not so
the goal with hostages is to gradually lower expectations; in nonhostage crises, it's to lower emotions
a reporter asked about motive. "craziness," stone said
eric had documented everything. he'd wanted us to know
everyone was supposed to die. columbine was fundamentally different from other school shootings. it had not really been intended as a shooting at all. primarily, it had been a bombing that failed
extinction fantasies cropped up regularly and would obsess eric
"i often try to create new things," he wrote in a freshman english paper titled "similarities between zeus and i"
existences: a virtual book
dylan provided an impressive stack. his journal began a year earlier than eric's, filled nearly five times as many pages, and remained active right up to the end. but eric would begin his journal as a killer. he already knew where it would end
nearly two weeks before the new york times would print an issue without columbine on page 1
dylan's journal read like that of a boy on the road to suicide, not homicide
eric had a remarkably long time horizon for a seventeen-year-old contemplating his own death
in 1885, the term psychopath was introduced to describe vicious human predators who were not deranged, delusional, or depressed. they just enjoyed being bad
even the best parenting may be no match for a child born to be bad
for psychopaths, horror is purely intellectual
he altered the denver entry on a population chart to show forty-seven inhabitants once he was through
i will force myself to believe that everyone is just another monster in doom
from euripides' tragedy medea: "no, like some yellow-eyed beast that has killed its hunters let me lie down on the hounds' bodies and the broken spears"
"i want to tear a throat out with my own teeth like a pop can," he wrote. "i want to grab some weak little freshman, just tear them apart like a fucking wolf. strangle them, squish their head, rip off their jaw, break their arms in half, show them who is god"
a basic talk-show setup
they could not have stopped him, eric assured them. he quoted shakespeare: "good wombs have borne bad sons"