this week i

thought i saw a female eastern bluebird, did, did see way down east (1920).  silent film era single mother sobbing, emergency-baptizing dying newborn, ice river frogger finale.  lowell sherman as handsome as lon chaney.  maria poole, from belden, was at the sewing circle and says . . . .


watched anora at e street, another sham marriage consequences movie even though cinematic century later and so now with bright color loud sound

bad tisane hall of shamed, i'll stay with rooibos chai.  these days, diet dr. pepper as close as i get to the impossible tastes of morning after halloween

read the common good by noam chomsky, interviewed by david barsamian

although most people think the government has a responsibility to ensure reasonable, minimal standards for poor people, they're also against welfare, which is what the government efforts to ensure reasonable, minimal standards for poor people are called.  that's a propaganda achievement you have to admire

 the people who work in the mills ought to own them

the common assumption that the market system is spreading, which just isn't true.  what's spreading is a kind of corporate mercantilism that's supported by - and crucially relies on - large-scale state power

to actually see the slums in bombay and see people living in hideous, indescribable poverty...and these are people who have jobs - they're manufacturing fancy leather clothes that sell on madison avenue and in shops in london and paris

black males in harlem have roughly the same mortality rate as men in bangladesh

if you're much poorer than other people in your society, that harms your health in detectable ways, even by gross measures like life expectancy

thomas friedman..uses the zapatistas as an example of the anti-integrationist pro-safety-net position, and ross perot as an example of the anti-integrationist anti-safety-net position, and dismisses them both as crazy.  that leaves the two "sensible" positions, which are illustrated by clinton (integrationist pro-safety-net) and gingrich (integrationist anti-safety-net)

when poor people in central america vote for their own interests, the result is terror organized and directed by the superpower of the hemisphere, and supervised on the local level by the upper class of that country.  many countries are so weak that they can't really solve their internal problems in the face of us power; they can't even control their own wealthy.  their rich have virtually no social obligations - they don't pay taxes and don't keep their money in the country

let the people who borrowed the money pay it back

why hasn't foreign debt held back the development of countries of east asia?
japan, south korea and taiwan not only controlled labor and the poor, but also capital and the rich.  the debt went for internal investment, not export of capital.
japan didn't allow export of capital until its economy had already reconstructed.  south korea didn't either, until forced to remove capital controls and regulation of private borrowing, largely under us pressure, in very recent years.  (it's widely recognized that this forced liberalization was a significant factor in south korea's 1997 liquidity crisis.)
latin america has the worst income inequality in the world, and east asia has perhaps the least.  latin america's typical imports are luxury goods for the wealthy; east asia's have been mostly related to capital investment and technology transfer.  countries like brazil and argentina are potentially rich and powerful, but unless they can somehow gain control over their wealthy, they're always going to be in trouble
some of the rural workers in brazil have an interesting slogan.  they say their immediate task is "expanding the floor of the cage."  they understand that they're trapped inside a cage, but realize that protecting it when it's under attack from even worse predators on the outside, and extending the limits of what the cage will allow, are both essential preliminaries to dismantling it.  if they attack the cage directly when they're so vulnerable, they'll get murdered
in the early 1800s, bengal produced more books per capita than any place in the world
what's called the left includes leninism, which i consider ultra-right in many respects.  the leninists were certainly very interested in political power - in fact, more so than anyone.
leninism has nothing to do with the values of the left - in fact, it's radically opposed to them.  that was recognized at the time by mainstream left marxists like anton pannekoek, paul mattick and karl korsch.  even trotsky had predicted that the leninists would turn to dictatorial rule (before he decided to join them)
i'm not saying things are great now, but they are much better, in virtually every area
in the early 1960s, the south was a terror state
the rights of corporations were mostly given to them by courts and lawyers, not by legislation, and that power system could erode very quickly
john f. kennedy sent the air force to bomb south vietnam and you couldn't get a single person to think about it
that's been the story for a couple of thosand years or so.  go back to the oldest recorded texts and see what happens to the people who didn't march in the socrates
when i speak to elite audiences, i constantly get asked, what's the solution?  if i say obvious things like pick your cause and go volunteer for a group that's working on it, that's never the answer they want.  they want some sort of magic key that will solve everything quickly, overwhelmingly and effectively.  there are no such solutions.  there are only the kind that people are working on in massachusetts towns, in self-governing villages in india, at the jesuit center in colombia
speaking truth to power makes no sense.  there's no point in speaking the truth to henry kissinger - he knows it already.  instead, speak truth to the powerless - or, better, with the powerless
i don't even know what i ought to do



this week i

published on the shape of this year's privatized medicare market, both plans and premiums, also prescription drugs (and benefits and cost sharing)

small group lectured on survey methods.  eventbrite link posted to statistics & programming meetups, three hours discussing complex sample designs

received grandpa joe's death certificate to finish births and deaths dot xlsx, a 7x7 grid with six nearest ancestors.  namesake tonio 84.6 years older

write to the next animal to evolve to both tame this earth and recognize yourself in mirrors: if we humans suffer extinction, as species have before, if-then sentient life evolves again here and only here on this one eden of a planet, so impossibly far within our milky way from other intelligences for even correspondence, when you arrive, when you dig down and excavate our buried cities and inspect our iphones the way my day's paleontologists inspect dinosaur bones, i brim with pleasure just to think of all the cool shit that your newly-minted consciousnesses will learn about our crazy selves

watched chicxulub seafloor core sample mining day the dinosaurs died.  megafauna vaporized to texas, new mexico & beyond burnt, pelagic starved

distressed granite

shocked quartz

ten billion hiroshimas

on that day 66 million years ago when everything changed

soot and charcoal found in k-t boundaries suggest that much of the world burned


read the overstory by richard powers.  unlike the lorax, who spoke for the trees, richard powers prefers to let them do their own talking

and on the first day of spring, 1903, john hoel positions the no. 2 brownie and takes a full-length portrait of the sentient chestnut leafing out.  one month later to the day, from the same spot and the same hour, he takes another.  the twenty-first of every month finds him up on the rise.  it becomes a ritual devotion, even in rain and snow and the killing heat, his own private liturgy of the church of the spreading vegetative god.  his wife teases him without mercy, as do his children.  "he's waiting for it to do something interesting"
"my silk farm.  finish.  it never make one thread."
"maybe you should plant another."
"best time to plant a tree?  twenty years ago."
"yep, and you always said the next best time was now."
"wrong.  next best time, nineteen years ago."
the ironwood's fluted muscle
soon the world will be returned to the healthy intelligences, the collective ones.  colonies and hives
 humans carry around legacy behaviors and biases, jerry-rigged holdovers from earlier stages of evolution that follow their own obsolete rules.  what seem like erratic, irrational choices are, in fact, strategies created long ago for solving other kinds of problems.  we're all trapped in the bodies of sly, social-climbing opportunists shaped to survive the savanna by policing each other
if you want a person to help you, convince them that they've already helped you beyond saying.  people will work hard to protect their legacy
the generalist emblem of all trees.  thick, clotted, craggy, but solid on the earth, and covered in other living things.  three hundred years growing, three hundred years holding, three hundred years, dying.  oak
anyone caught smirking must sing "amazing grace" with his arms flung out
the guard who all the prisoners call john wayne says, "what if i told you to fuck the floor?  five seventy-one, you're frankenstein.  you, 3401, you're the bride of frankenstein.  okay, kiss, motherfuckers"
each of the world's seven hundred and fifty species of ficus has its own unique wasp tailored to fertilize it
greatest flaw of the species is the overwhelming tendency to mistake agreement for truth
he makes it through the portable nietzsche and continues with the complete nostradamus, burning it page by page in the woodstove as he finishes each one
life is as good as it has been since he fell out of the sky and into the banyan.  the truck radio drifts in and out through the canyons, like the songs are coming from the moon
savagery is a slippery slope
a frog tries to cross a busy street.  an ape defends himself with barrel bombs
when her tiny wooden doll's head twists off, she plants it in the garden, certain it will grow another body
she rides copilot in the beaten-up packard with the pine side paneling
if you carved your name four feet high in the bark of a beech tree, how high would it be after half a century?
pawpaw!  the only tropical fruit ever to escape the tropics
photosynthesis: a feat of chemical engineering underpinning creation's entire cathedral.  all the razzmatazz of life on earth is a free-rider on that mind-boggling magic act
the inscrutable generosity of green things
you and the tree in your backyard come from a common ancestor.  a billion and a half years ago, the two of you parted ways.  but even now, after an immense journey in separate directions, that tree and you still share a quarter of your genes
life will not answer to reason.  and meaning is too young a thing to have much power over it
her supervisor apologizes for the state of the cabin they give her, on the edge of an ancient cedar grove.  there's no running water, and the varmints outweigh the new biped in biomass, many times over.  she can only laugh.  "you don't understand.  you don't understand.  it's the alhambra"
acacias alert other acacias to prowling giraffes

every one of the pieces bears a green tag reading $0

"photographs.  one a month for seventy-six years.  i come from a long and distinguished line of obsessive-compulsives"
"chestnut.  the redwoods of the east"
diagnosing schizophrenia..beliefs should not be considered delusional if they are in keeping with societal norms

huckleberry and currant, showy milkweed, tall oregon grape, yarrow and checkermallow.  she marvels again at how the planet's supreme intelligence could discover calculus and the universal laws of gravitation before anyone knew what a flower was for

so many substances in woodland pharmacies that no one has yet identified

before it dies, a douglas-fir, half a millennium old, will send its storehouse of chemicals back down into its roots and out through its fungal partners, donating its riches to the community pool in a last will and testament

"the game is definitely chronophagic."  he hears a little question mark pop up in a thought bubble on the other end of the line.  "time-eating"

stop sacrificing virgins

a sonoma chipmunk with giant chopstick incisors
a rotting log is home to orders of magnitude more living tissue than the living tree.  "i sometimes wonder whether a tree's real task on earth isn't to bulk itself up in preparation to lying dead on the forest floor for a long time"
cones - serotinous - that can't open without flame.  lodgepole pines hold on to theirs for decades, waiting for a fire to spring them
"you can replace forests with plantations.  you can also arrange beethoven's ninth for solo kazoo"
sassafras, those root-beer-scented twigs that stay green all winter
asylum laughter
in that dream, the trees laugh at them.  save us?  what a human thing to do.  even the laugh takes years
say it ain't so, smokey
the free bioregion of cascadia
potemkin forest, vista curtains only a few feet deep
"hungry?"  he remembers to lift his eyebrows just a hair..but confirmation bias will always beat out common sense.  all the data prove it.  "starving"
"pareidolia," patricia says..the adaptation that makes people see people in all things.  the tendency to turn two knotholes and a gash into a face
ovid her father gave her.  let me sing to you now, about how people turn into other things

raises her tachigali versicolor
people aren't alone, and they never have been
but, of course, it's not the world that needs saving.  only the thing that people call by the same name


this week i

worked at rosemarie's, she dreamt rob lowe to be cast as elvis in upcoming feature.  joe (academic & drafting track) and i share two of three names, lightning struck sterling ralf gedraitis (guz) (academic & stenographic) at watkins glen raceway doing what he loved prompting rocco (rocky) (academic & clerical track) to renounce northern baptism, vote kennedy.  in south philly weekend days, google maps pronounced passyunk passanick, we questioned if clark kent can't find phone booths anymore he must use starbucks bathroom like the rest of us, "a latte & the four digit code please"

i found a frog
oh yeah it was just in the guyanese hilton

where are all the single ladies and who wants to marry ryan?

[extends fist as if with microphone] who wants to give a speech

i've seen that before
no i got that in the past six months, maybe you saw it at pizza hut

it fits right in
who's this kilroy character?

ben had given her this octopus prototype and it was all navy blue glitter in two pieces, but she had hung it in her car and it got too melty and the googly eyes turned cirrhosis of the liver brown and apparently her son got fixated on it when he was like two

taste of punjab is open 24 hours
is it really or is that just a google mistake

well i guess if the diner's full, i guess we'll head over to k-pot

pop rocks oreos aren't good enough for you?

do you like my rock cheeseburger?

she got into a fight with someone named rat, and then they tried to go back in the bar and the bouncer was like are you kidding me

i think pat sajak kind of liked being mean to people

what is this?
it's a mammoth in an ice cube
i wasn't asking literally

she has a backstock of six of the same stuffed animal and whenever he destroys it or does something disgusting to it, she just grabs a new one and is like, "oh it's just been through a rejuvenating bath"

there'll be a test on this later

ben brought this [oversized carnival plush] octopus to the beach and we went for a walk and when we got back seagulls were dragging it
what does pez translate to in spanish
oh, they must think that candy's really disgusting

oh we feel so bad but i guess you'll never forget our wedding

watched freaks (1932)

never again will there be a story like this

can't a roman lady itch?

[to his conjoined-twin sister-in-law] i'm not going to have her spending her day in bed with your half of the hangover

one of us [gooble gobble]

read kokoro by natsume soseki.  leading character k, exceeding naming parsimony of kafka's trial, written contemporaneously

the meiji era, which lasted from 1868 to 1912..soseki was born in tokyo in 1867..soseki wrote kokoro in 1914, two years after the death of emperor meiji, and two years before his own death

if one wished to indulge in such fashionable pastimes as playing billiards and eating ice cream, one had to walk a long way across rice fields

a far profounder reason for sensei's silence

do you know what it feels like to be tied down by long, black hair?

pretending that my diploma was a telescope, i surveyed as much of the world as i could see

when you go, please take me with you

in a place where dogs barked at the sight of a western-style suit, the arrival of a telegram was a great event

like most cowards i suffered because i could not decide

in short, my uncle cheated me of my inheritance

it was not the custom for students to wear silk in those days

i still had the odd notion that good clothes, like a mustache, came after graduation

in our little six-mat room

i decided to leave the piece of ice out in the sun, and wait until it had melted and turned into warm water.  then, i thought, he would begin to see the error of his ways

but to my questions he gave replies so vague one could not tell whether they came from the mountains or the sea

yes, you are a haunting, albeit vague, figure that refuses to leave me alone

having failed to bury myself alive among books, i tried for a while to forget myself by drowning my soul in sake

in all the world, i now have only you to turn to


this week i

updated nhts to 2022.  lisa desjardins: with nine percent of the vote in, she's crushing it.  anonymous frenchman: ask a neighbor.  november 1st ft:

the mediterranean, he noted, was increasingly behaving like the caribbean sea. the warmer body of water helps to form hurricanes that can devastate the coasts of the us, central and south america, and the region's islands

hamtramck, a town near detroit where the mayor has backed trump

the test, pyongyang's first launch of an icbm potentially capable of striking the us mainland in almost a year, reached its highest-ever altitude and lasted 86 minutes, the longest-ever flight time for a north korean missile, according to japan's defence ministry

judicial authorities in argentina and venezuela both issued arrest warrants for the other's president in september

watched rivers of life season one.  one source of the nile from earth's highest non-volcanic, non-orogenic mountains.  rio branco rio negro visibly distinct ninety miles after mixing.  hoatzin claws in its wings, stinky.  river dolphins polyphyletic.  bolivia highest share of population in amazon basin

read in gratitude by jenny diski

'why didn't you just do what you were told?'

the game comes complete, straight out of the memory box.  i see them.  i see me.  all of us laughing.  me shrieking.  being tickled is a kind of torture - it has its own page on wikipedia

 asking questions didn't seem to annoy people

i often went barefoot around london

you behaved so badly, people kept, keep telling me

'you have an addictive personality'

fire and ice and everything nice

in the swedish designed to make the peeing process a zip for men, but requiring for me, without a distance-spraying organ, to expose practically all of myself to the herd of untroubled reinder

i'd hoped for something like popeye's transfiguration after downing a tin of spinach, but i was still pretty tired in the days after

the tumor has shrunk a little, but, onc doc said swiftly, it was small to start with.  the lymph nodes too have decreased a little in size.  there was neither excitement nor disappointment in his manner.  it may be that he has the same air of studied neutrality in his everyday life, when eating a delicious meal or going over the top of a rollercoaster.  or, more likely, it is for work purposes alone, in order to prevent overexcitement or crashing disappointment in patients with unrealistically high hopes or fears

maths was invented to grapple with concepts that metaphor made murky

'i bet you've found faith now,' believers wrote to christopher hitchens when he announced he had terminal cancer.  he insisted he hadn't.  i'd never been envious of those who believe in an afterlife until now.  it would be so much cosier than dissolution

then there's my daughter chloe and her frighteningly large family - two small children and partner.  vast by my miniaturist standards.  one child good.  more than one, tempting fate

'there's nothing else we can do for you.'  doc language for 'you've failed us and you'll just have to die, which is not our specialty, so goodbye'

as i write there is a world refugee crisis

why the hell had i had those greedy, self-absorbed, terrifying parents if it wasn't to have something to write about?  it wasn't exactly superstitious, nor overtly religious (now one and the same thing)

the next morning i had a stitch in my forehead where the gravel had made a sizeable hole, and two enormous black eyes, like the mask of zorro.  'can you count back from twenty to one?' the student doc asked, checking whether i had damaged my brain.  i said 'yes', which i thought should be enough to put an end to this affair

'granjen, why are you so slow?' 'all the better to . . . '

as soon as she saw blood dripping from my wrist, she fainted and they thought she was the patient..i waved my bloody-razored arm at them to show what the situation was

always fancied, 'smoke gets in your eyes'

i lay on the sofa with an upturned hand over my forehead as i'm sure they were depicted in little women


this week i

listened to ambassador's greeting then balazs fulei play kodaly's dances of marosszek, liszt's forest murmurs (waldesrauschen) at dc hungary embassy

ichthyosaw attenborough & the sea dragon.  lazing on cold pebble beaches, letting fly accusations of cannibalism, really really thrilling and romantic

thank openxlsx maintainers, my issue in 4y3m2d.  & mushrooms, an extra f - referring to a region's fungi - to be added to mentions of flora and fauna

would work in a tattoo parlor if they let me wear metallurgy mask.  would that hammerhead shark break aquarium glass?  here, you deal with this:

lady godiva
'tween hump side saddle silk road
bactrian camel




read the bridge of san luis rey by thornton wilder

she lost her belief in the sincerity of those about her.  she secretly refused to believe that anyone (herself exempted) loved anyone.  all families lived in a wasteful atmosphere of custom and kissed one another with secret indifference.  she saw that the people of this world moved about in an armour of egotism, drunk with self-gazing, athirst for compliments, hearing little of what was said to them, unmoved by the accidents that befell their closest friends, in dread of all appeals that might interrupt their long communion with their own desires.  these were the sons and daughters of adam from cathay to peru

everyone drank chicha in peru and there was no particular disgrace in being found unconscious on a feast day

so he leaned against the tree in the dark, his knuckles between his teeth, and listened to his loud heart-beats

the twin brothers about fifteen years old were sitting at her knee and she was telling them the story of the crucifixion.  their large grave eyes were fixed upon her lips.  suddenly manuel had cried out loud: "if esteban and i had been there we would have prevented it"

on corpus christi day they gave belshazzar's feast where you were so wonderful.  now it was shameful

even memory is not necessary for love



this week i

published on the policyholders of employer-sponsored insurance plan coverage of young adults

saw sindhu vee in a suburban northern virginia high school auditorium after grilled burgers on homebaked buns, jazz in liz's garden next afternoon

listened to chief statistician of the u.s. et al. at the umd marriott.  psid allows income, wealth, & consumption poverty calc., nlsy27 coming soon

 redesign doesn't happen in a vacuum -stas kolenikov

the tens of people who want to look at our code -jonathan rothbaum




read the house of spirits by isabel allende.  trueba family tiger figurines in holiday manger scenes, as namesake antonio did for rosemarie and rocco

i remembered her perfect face and cursed my luck

to cure the child's muteness with the same remedy she used for hiccups

with topiaries fit for versailles

 they met every friday to summon spirits and exchange recipes and premonitions

 playing chopin with the lid of the piano shut

clara arrived at her daughter's door and tried to open it, but it was bolted.  she knocked, and when no one opened it she turned around and ran outside the house, where she saw the window wide open and ferula's hydrangeas trampled.  in a flash she understood the color of bianca's aura, the bags under her eyes, her listlessness, her silence, her morning sleepiness, and her afternoon watercolors.  and in that instant the earthquake began

tiny figures for the family's christmas manger, not only the three kings and the shepherds, but a whole crowd of every kind of people and every type of animal - african camels and zebras, american iguanas and asian tigers - without worrying about the exact fauna of bethlehem

 harvesting poverty like everybody else

 old pedro garcia died a few days before the presidential his feet was his great grandson esteban garcia, who was by that time almost ten, driving a nail through the eyes of a chicken.  he was the son of esteban garcia, the only bastard offspring of the patron named for him

the spectacle of a gigantic balloon suspended in the clouds would be an irresistible form of publicity for almost any carbonated drink

inside its jar, shrunken into a fetal position, wrapped in tatters, and accompanied by its wretched necklaces of teeth and a handful of rag dolls, the mummy looked like the pit of some exotic fruit.  they were far more highly prized than any other objects that were brought out of the tombs, because private collectors and a few foreign museums paid very handsomely for them

 in daylight the mummies would be in no mood for clowning

at dusk he escorted them as far as their street.  when they said goodbye, blanca and pedro tercero kissed each other on the mouth.  it was the first time alba had seen that in her life, because no one around her was in love

"your uncle jaime is putting bolshevik ideas into your head!"  senator trueba would roar, sputtering with rage.  "do you know what would happen here without a patron?"

after all those years without speaking, we spent her final hours lying side by side in the sailboat of the gentle blue silk sea, as she liked to call her bed

land is all you have left when everything else falls apart

"better a dead father than an absent one," blanca enigmatically replied, and she never mentioned it again

"don't ask me questions you don't want to know the answer to," alba replied, looking him in the eye.  they never spoke of the matter again

the only ones in the whole world who had discovered love

far away from my country i would be like those trees they chop down at christmastime, those poor rootless pines that last a little while and then die



this week i

published on the stability of the privatized medicare market.  stackoverflow auto-removes a leading hi when posting an answer

enjoyed at the kennedy center the national ballet of ukraine with special guests shumka, an evening with david sedaris

watched an elephant die in american experience s3e14 coney island, a jeopardy contestant pronounce honduras capital gucci at 2nd & 3rd syllables

first understood own mortality in childhood learning sun eventually engulfs earth, my father attempted calm: don't worry, you'll be long gone by then

drew one of the ceramic arts featured at the izmir history and art museum, then the matryoshkats. canada lynx a challenging feline to sketch out


read the cathedral & the bazaar: musings on linux and open source by an accidental revolutionary by eric s. raymond

linus torvalds..lazy like a fox

debugging is parallelizable

i sent chatty announcements to the beta list whenever i released, encouraging people to participate

 how ants find food: exploration by diffusion, followed by exploitation mediated by a scalable communication mechanism

to make the bazaar model work, it helps enormously if you have at least a little skill charming people

joy, humor, and playfulness are indeed is no mere joke that the linux mascot is a cuddly, neotenous penguin

the side with the least invested loses.  interestingly this happens to be the same heuristic that many relational database engines resolve deadlocks.  when two threads are deadlocked over resources, the side with the least invested in the current transaction is selected as the deadlock victim and is terminated

the number of contributors (and, at second order, the success of) projects is strongly and inversely correlated with the number of hoops each project makes a user go through to contribute

there is a very strong social pressure against forking, for good reasons.  nobody wants to be on a picket line, in court, or in a firefight either.  but the right to fork is like the right to strike, the right to sue, or the right to bear arms - you don't want to have to exercise any of these rights, but it's a signal of serious danger when anyone tries to take them away

the full source for doom was released in late 1997

open-source firms hire star hackers for much the same reasons that universities hire star academics.  in both cases, the practice is similar in mechanism and effect to the system of aristocratic patronage that funded most fine art until after the industrial revolution

in an economy rapidly becoming more complex and information-centered, there will always be plenty of work and a healthy demand for people who can make computers do things - no matter how much time and how many secrets they give away

a rather large plastic penguin, booming out "may the source be with you!"

 microsoft tax


this week i

published my fourteenth, our twenty-sixth survey of employer-sponsored insurance with health affairs and headlines.  we added pricssa too


bought  guilherme wouldn't let me buy  meanwhile hannes promoting duckplyr this takes exactly zero seconds

helped sell out the california honeydrops at the 9:30 club after vegetables at the 2nd floor izakaya nearby.  two drummers now, like the grateful dead

read fear and loathing in las vegas: a savage journey to the heart of the american dream by hunter s. thompson

the drink was beginning to cut the acid and my hallucinations were down to a tolerable level..i was no longer seeing huge pterodactyls lumbering around the corridors in pools of fresh blood

i shrugged and gave him a bill.  this garish, deep-orion carpeted lobby of the desert inn seemed an inappropriate place to be haggling about nickle/dime bribes for the parking lot attendant.  this was bob hope's turf, frank sinatra's.  spiro agnew's.  the lobby fairly reeked of high-grade formica and plastic palm trees

"where's the ether?" said my attorney.  "this mescaline isn't working"

the main advantage of ether: it makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early irish novel . . . total loss of all basic motor skills: blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue - severance of all connection between the body and the brain.  which is interesting, because the brain continues to function more or less normally . . . you can actually
watch yourself behaving in this terrible way, but you can't control it

hallucinations are bad enough.  but after a while you learn to cope with things like seeing your dead grandmother crawling up your leg with a knife in her teeth.  most acid fanciers can handle this sort of thing

lucy!  be cool, goddamnit!

that evil little fuck is so guilty that i should probably kill him myself, on general principles

maybe just a fresh adrenalin gland to chew on

and every one of them stark naked, except for the weapons

waitress: hey lou, you know where the american dream is?

after west point and the priesthood, lsd must have seemed entirely logical

failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the acid culture: the desperate assumption that somebody - or at least some force - is tending that light at the end of the tunnel

psychedelics are almost irrelevant in a town where you can wander into a casino any time of the day or night and witness the crucifixion of a gorilla - on a flaming neon cross that suddenly turns into a pinwheel, spinning the beast around in wild circles above the crowded gambling action

just another fucked-up cleric



this week i

reply: if you like johnny cash then i like you.  johnny waugh sent unused postcard.  in seventh grade english class, mrs. young told us secret to life success: appear busy.  halloween costume: i'm still undecided btw free hugs cactus, or interstellar skull hurtling through space as memento meteori


nearly split this oak


read hannes and mark on database acid tests: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.  all within the safety of a transaction

read birds of uganda by quentin meunier and sherry mckelvie.  yet i remain sullenly unilluminated on the evolutionary advantage of a wattle

 that prehistoric ballerina the shoebill stork

grey heron: as with all herons, it flies with its neck s-shaped, as opposed to storks and cranes which extend their necks

african spoonbill: spatola africana (ita)

african harrier-hawk: when hunting or excited, its normally bright yellow face will turn a vivid pink

 lizard buzzard: a vertical black line down its throat differentiates it from any other raptor

grey crowned crane: uganda's national emblem

kori bustard: the heaviest bird that actually flies

common ostrich: ostriches are not commonly seen in uganda

black-winged stilt: the longest legs pro rata to body size in the bird kingdom

wood sandpiper: a palearctic migrant

water thick-knee: common but shy bird with a permanently surprised look

eastern grey plantain-eater: if you wake up in uganda to the sound of loud maniacal laughter, you are probably listening to this bird!

black-and-white cuckoo (jacobin cuckoo): crested cuckoo..males distract the host while females lay their eggs, which are coloured to match the host's - they could be white, or they could even be bright turquoise

woodland kingfisher: senegalliest (ger)

european bee-eater: as with other bee-eaters, when the prey is a stinging insect, they will beat it on a branch to get rid of the sting

abyssinian roller: 'roller' comes from the barrel rolls they sometimes do in flight

pied hornbill: this one regularly visits the author's house in kampala to peck bugs off the windows

brown-throated wattle-eye: sometimes nicknamed the 'arpeggio bird' due to its call of clear descending notes

red-faced crombec: a small bird with no tail

white-crested helmet-shrike: "punk-like"

lesser masked weaver: the only pale-eyed weaver to have a mask that extends up onto its forehead



this week i

gifted nasyone safari paper at spitalfields, pronounced nadji-oh-knee like an etruscan.  i impersonated a zombie as we purchased ottolenghi's latest

attended the society for longitudinal lifecourse studies conference, five days of wellbeing workshops and not one mention of the marshmallow test.  my first sighting of brilliant at the top of a likert scale, first hearing of generation zed.  millenium falcon fights confidence intervalesque spaceships

finding the right variable is an art


a genealogical design

seven generations of data

america's family tree

the german socio-economic panel (soep):

we turned 40 this year, so yay

original sample (west (1984), former east (1990))

papi - pen and paper interviews

understanding society:

which are called proteomics, that's all i know about this


indefinite life panel

it's a very big document, don't ever print it out


two dimensions of subjective wellbeing - eudamonic and hedonistic
other studies might have overestimated the impact of arts and cultural activities on the wellbeing of the elderly due to confounding
onomastic sampling
it's illegal to publish official statistics in wartime

arguably the most important page is our documentation page
 survey refusals are often circumstantial - request to participation made at non-optimal time

i had a quick question about your saliva collection

are children therefore more important for mental health in eastern than western europe

data [australian pronunciation: dater] (unclear to me if there's a dialect where metadata rhymes)

australian census data are destroyed after the nine month processing period

cross-sectional or, heroically, longitudinal wave #1

most people will develop a diagnosable mental disorder

in scotland by age fourteen, you're more likely to have vaped than smoked

month of birth can be a predictor of achievements


walked wivenhoe for colchester station, stratford (greater london), farringdon (lesser london), gatwick, gatwick north, jfk, baggage claim, dca, claim again, mount vernon square, o pequeno quarto que chamo lar doce lar.  if only travel were as straightforward as chilean regions, good stars there too


read the role of over-sampling of the wealthy in the survey of consumer finances by arthur b kennickell

a dual-frame sample

because the wealthiest one percent of households is estimated to hold about a third of all household net worth, it is critical that the scf pay particular attention to that rarefied group

the area-probability (ap) sample is selected from a geographically based national frame..about two thirds of the ultimately completed cases derive from this sample

the sample specifically excludes people who are listed as being members of the forbes list of the 400 wealthiest people in the u.s.

non-response, which is differentially higher among the wealthy

about 98 percent of scf cases with at least us$ 5 million of net worth in 2004 derived from the list sample; more than 85 percent of cases with at least us$ 1 million of net worth and about 75 percent of the cases with at least us$ 500,000 dollars came from this sample

response rates decline with capital income and rise with age and with amounts of charitable contributions made

the scf devotes substantial time and money to dealing with cooperation problems among the wealthy

despite the large difference in the levels of wealth at the top of the wealth distribution under the two samples, the shares of the wealthiest one percent are very similar - about one-third of the total.  but the standard errors are quite different - 5.1 under the ap sample and 1.2 under the combined samples


read does employer competition improve working conditions? by trent thompson

lack of competition among employers depresses not only wages, but also non-wage aspects of employment such as working conditions

the non-wage effects of employer power

a census of mining employment and safety

i use czs instead of metropolitan statistical areas (msas) because msas, by definition, do not account for rural areas where the majority of mining operations tend to be located

higher labor market concentration is significantly associated with higher rates of workplace accidents (model a), illnesses (model b), injuries (model c), and deaths (model d), such that a 10 percent increase in concentration is associated with around a 2 percent increase in the incidence rates of all four outcomes

just as market power affords employer's the ability to depress wages, it also affords them the ability to debase working conditions.  what is more, the effect of concentration on workplace safety appears to be many times larger than the effect on wages


this week i

published on trends in medicare quality bonus payments.  for the $50 in my pocket at the time, alykhan down the road granted predawn gym access

drew lightning strikes turtles all the way down, and royal ant farms.  and then the full moon fades into the morning, a cosmic magic trick


thought of beware banana independently, confirmed someone other than me had also thought of it.  i focused on a jackfruit illustration from long ago


watched disney's oscar winner nature doc water birds (1952), each graceful in hunting pose.  but i'd want pet bat, only to call self a childless batman

enjoyed future senator franken's introduction of the grateful dead

good evening ladies and gentlemen, we're the comedy team of franken and davis, and we're going to do about an hour of comedy.  [boos]  hey wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, hold it, hold it, we've got this deal worked out with the dead where the longer we're on, the less they can play, see?  [boos]  hey!  hey!  what?  what?  you don't want us to do an hour of comedy?  [boos]  hey listen, if you people don't quiet down, we're going to get off the stage and the band will have to come on.  [cheers]  what, is that what you people want?  [cheers]  ok, ladies and gentlemen, the grateful dead!


we've been talking to a lot of deadheads tonight.  the deadhead we're going to introduce i'm very excited about.  i'm referring to former secretary of state for the united states dr. henry kissinger.
it's a pleasure tom.  i think that you and al are doing a wonderful job.
ah well thank you very much dr. kissinger.  how are you enjoying the show tonight?
oh terrific, terrific, i think the last time i saw the dead play an acoustic set was 1970 filmore east.
that's very interesting dr. kissinger.  let me ask you, do you know the grateful dead personally?
well i've been a big fan of theirs for years and i finally got to meet them at watkins glen.  and let me say that meeting jerry was a great experience.  the only thing i can really compare it to was when i went to china and met mao.  i don't agree with all of jerry's philosophies, but he's definitely a twentieth century heavyweight, as am i.
well thank you very much for talking with us dr. kissinger, say what is that, what is that in your hand?

oh nothing, nothing

oh no wait a minute, wait a minute, these are microphones, what is this?  ohh dr. kissinger, you're making a bootleg recording of tonight's concert


fuck you.  you're just like one of those people that telling everyone to sit down all the time.

well what do i have to do?  get a band member to come out here to tell you that you can't record the show?

ok well go ahead, you just do that, tom.  get a band member.

ok bill?  bill kreutzmann?  come here a minute.  dr. kissinger is recording tonight's concert

god dammit henry, gimme the tape



read the magician by colm toibin

in paraty, if you saw three people, then one was talking and the other two were laughing

burn the poem

he must think that suitable men grow on trees

i grew a long beard listening to it

time went slowly in an unfamiliar place

inflation was being blamed on the winners of the war

and they contained accounts of moments that he treasured but could share with no one.  casual glances at young men who had come to his lectures or whom he encountered at a concert.  glances that were sometimes reciprocated and then became unmistakable in their intensity.  while he enjoyed the homage he received in public and appreciated the large audiences he attracted, it was always these chance meetings, silent and furtive, that he remembered.  not to have registered in his diary the message sent by the secret energy in a gaze would have been unthinkable.  he wanted that which had been so fleeting to become solid.  the only way he knew to make this happen was to write it down.  should he have let it pass so that it would have faded completely, this, the story of his life?

perhaps he has written "i am" and is now unsure how he might proceed

no matter how well we paint the face, we struggle to paint hands.  if the devil came here now and asked me what i would want in exchange for eternity under his reign i would ask him to let me paint hands, hands that no one would even notice, perfect hands.  do novelists have a problem like our problem with hands?

if only einstein would listen to him, things would be different

when i informed him that my husband had won the nobel prize in literature, he shrugged.  i did not know that there were people like that in sweden

he knew how to open a pomegranate and fill a bowl with the rich, red seeds.  if that was all he had learned from his mother, it would be enough, he thought

'she calls once a day and i take her call once a week,' mrs roosevelt replied

'why did you marry him?'..'of all the possibilities, present, past and future, your father was the least preposterous'

the war is over, but it casts a long shadow



this week i

met rupak at workweek conclusion, drove to northern terminus of albertine rift, to kibale, bounded by tea plantations because chimps, elephants dislike the taste; queen elizabeth n. p. bounded by electrical wires; truman by oceanic drywall.  in nepal, avocado is butterfruit; in uganda, peanuts are groundnuts; on the twenty thousand shillings note, this lake.  we drove to nkuringo too, for a canyon scramble.  final stop jackfruit past mbarara

[scrolling through chitwan website] and look there's a rhino

the jane goodall aesthetic

the primate capital of the world

we will check for knuckle prints

everest is 8848, they made us memorize that

tribal wars over the grasshopper harvest

improve your latrine with sato

candelabra cactus (euphorbia)

everyone thinks butterflies are beautiful, but aside from the wings it's just a worm

i've traded my like of charcoal-making scent for feral monkey odor scent

i'd give a 5 star review but the fruit platter lacked jackfruit

i strictly eat chicken from the ankle on up

the nfl donates the super bowl losing team's pre-made winning jerseys, a whole generation here thinking the wrong team won

it's laminated so it must be true

these are animals in the wild, they don't have an appointment with us

the one true purpose of scrambled eggs and tabasco is each other

now when we see them in the zoo, will it just be like, "i've seen this"?


read the thursday ft

seven people, including three children, were killed and another 64 were injured when russian ballistic missiles struck the historic centre of lviv before dawn yesterday, according to authorities in the western ukrainian city

"the canister exploded and injured my left leg, leaving a big wound. i had minor surgery and two fragments were removed from my leg. i'm now out of danger," added wine, whose real name is robert kyagulanyi ssentamu
estimates by the international labour organization, published yesterday, show that the share of global gdp earned by employees and the self-employed fell from 52.9 per cent in 2019 to 52.3 per cent in 2022 and remained flat in the following two years

read taschen's arcimboldo by werner kriegeskorte

flames surround the head like a crown

if one loves and respects the history of art, one should be quite happy for it to remain a little obscure

a carriage pulled by peacocks


design of a dragon-like costume for a horse
blue pen-and-wash drawing, 25 x 19 cm, inv. no. 3224

