could have just as easily called it our anxious system. meteor formed chesapeake. discovered 10 years earlier, tiffany's would've named it tanganite
attended masterclass by victoria nillson on stanislavsky's system & the actors studio method. we discussed the importance of embodying emotions with a reading of "the audition" scene (starring chekov at the mic) in neil simon's the good doctor. maybe james just pictured him wearing maga hat
sincerity took center stage
false, pretending laughter is offensive
public solitude
for three pages, she has the urn in front of her, wailing, moaning
the ability to react to imaginary stimuli
silence is better than applause
attended a claymation workshop by sarah brown & greg smith. my hand unsmushing red frosty, an icicle on a hot day is the perfect murder weapon
classic animation speed is 12 fps, half of film speed
i literally glue gun the camera stand to the floor
wear black, wash your hands
last time i did this, it was a baobab
we always take two pictures of each shot, sometimes we have flies
with characters, we create a skeleton with wire
put styrofoam balls in the head so it's not so heavy
can we have a few more shots that are, like, awkward silence?
concluded with zanzibari snorkel safari. who do i petition for a seahorse emoji? medieval marine punishment, + (land-based) quartering (drawn out):
🐌 🐌

read notes on a last-minute safari by david sedaris
an african safari, the sort where you carry a camera rather than a gun
"what is it you would like to see?" .. "a panda"
couples with camera lenses the size of the hubble telescope
"the most killingest" - was the hippo .. "all they want is to get into our swimming pool..and if that happens, we will never get them out"
i'd told him from the get-go that photography was not my thing.."not even if we come upon a rhino?".."not even if we see one fighting a mother grizzly"
if i were to manufacture a perfume, it would smell the way that grass being ripped from the ground by elephants sounds
the income gap between the people who stayed at the resort and the people who actually lived on the island was so wide you couldn't really see anything else