this week i

published on insurance enrollment decisions of the elderly & disabled, the design of those private plans while working in a city mostly lovely


meh'd at goat cheese yogurt.  i wrote a poem (cuz with pizza and strychnine you won't need a feline) titled sprung trap rct and it's as bad as it's true

mouse corpses agree
mozzarella tastes better
than swiss, brie, and cheddar
they won't be caught dead near
paneer, blue, or feta

cancelled out.  what was beyond the fourth wall of da vinci's last supper?  ideally dnc introduces first first gentlemen with his song.  birthplaceigo

read musical instruments: an illustrated history from antiquity to the present by mary remnant

the angels, devils, animals and grotesques must help us to re-create the music of their own time

the romanesque harp was..frequently made of willow, and its strings were normally of gut, although metal and twisted hair were also sometimes used.  however, franciscan bartholomaeus anglicus, in his de proprietatibus rerum of c. 1250, warned against mixing the gut of sheep and wolves

pitches were relative to each other and not necessarily at a fixed pitch, as he recommends tuning the top string as high as possible without breaking it

in pesful felagheship

leonardo took with him a lyre [lira] that he had made himself



other alterations involved the neck and fingerboard.  as early as 1715, vivaldi's 'fingers almost touched the bridge, so there was hardly any room for the bow' .. the removal of the wedge enabled the performer to climb more easily into the higher positions than before.  these changes were accomplished just in time for the appearance on the scene of the supreme italian virtuoso nicolo paganini (1782-1840).  since that time no great structural changes have taken place in the violin itself, but the addition of the chin rest by louis spohr in c. 1820 gave the performer a better grip on the instrument, thereby allowing more freedom of movement to the left arm

the bow or fydylstyk of the middle ages

since 1964 a new violin family has been developed by mrs carleen hutchins and others of the catgut acoustical society of america


bach's italian concerto, which could not be played effectively on a contemporary single-manual harpsichord because it requires one hand to be playing forte while the other is piano


in the house of fame chaucer said that 'soun ys nocht but eyr ybroken' - sound is nothing but broken air

sackbuts (trombones)

adolphe sax of brussels

a free reed is a small tongue of metal, of which one end is attached to a frame while the other vibrates freely through pressure or suction of air


among the oldest idiophones in art msuic are the round cymbals, of which several bronze pairs survive from antiquity..they have, since 1623, been made predominantly by the armenian family zildjian, at first in constantinople and now in america

berlioz said of the cymbals:
combined with the high tones of the piccolo and with the strokes of the kettledrum, it is particularly suited to scenes of unbridled wildness or to the extreme frenzy of a bacchanalian orgy

chimebells (cymbala)

related to the glockenspiel is the xylophone, which is of primitive origins and can still be found as a folk instrument in many parts of the world.  it consists of tuned bars of wood (arranged nowadays like a keyboard) which are hit with sticks or hammers, and has been known in europe at least since the sixteenth century when hans holbein the younger showed it being played by a skeleton in his series of woodcuts the dance of death (1523)

an instrument comes of age when a concerto is written for it

in 1721, bach used instruments which were, or were fast becoming, regular members of the orchestra

the traverse flute..finally took precedence in the middle of the eighteenth century..because of its greatly suitability in the new 'expressive' music where the frequent crescendi and diminuendi would have wrought havoc with the intonation of a recorder

timpani, the chief percussion instruments of the baroque period, were joined for special effects by the triangle, cymbals and the bass drum, which had recently been popularized by the turkish janissary bands, and also by the tambourine

bassoons and hautbois

weber was also responsible for the introduction of the third kettledrum



7 trombones (3 offstage)

an advertisement for the apollo piano player - 'you supply the expression and soul.  we supply the technique'

