this week i

gifted nasyone safari paper at spitalfields, pronounced nadji-oh-knee like an etruscan.  i impersonated a zombie as we purchased ottolenghi's latest

attended the society for longitudinal lifecourse studies conference, five days of wellbeing workshops and not one mention of the marshmallow test.  my first sighting of brilliant at the top of a likert scale, first hearing of generation zed.  millenium falcon fights confidence intervalesque spaceships

finding the right variable is an art


a genealogical design

seven generations of data

america's family tree

the german socio-economic panel (soep):

we turned 40 this year, so yay

original sample (west (1984), former east (1990))

papi - pen and paper interviews

understanding society:

which are called proteomics, that's all i know about this


indefinite life panel

it's a very big document, don't ever print it out


two dimensions of subjective wellbeing - eudamonic and hedonistic
other studies might have overestimated the impact of arts and cultural activities on the wellbeing of the elderly due to confounding
onomastic sampling
it's illegal to publish official statistics in wartime

arguably the most important page is our documentation page
 survey refusals are often circumstantial - request to participation made at non-optimal time

i had a quick question about your saliva collection

are children therefore more important for mental health in eastern than western europe

data [australian pronunciation: dater] (unclear to me if there's a dialect where metadata rhymes)

australian census data are destroyed after the nine month processing period

cross-sectional or, heroically, longitudinal wave #1

most people will develop a diagnosable mental disorder

in scotland by age fourteen, you're more likely to have vaped than smoked

month of birth can be a predictor of achievements


walked wivenhoe for colchester station, stratford (greater london), farringdon (lesser london), gatwick, gatwick north, jfk, baggage claim, dca, claim again, mount vernon square, o pequeno quarto que chamo lar doce lar.  if only travel were as straightforward as chilean regions, good stars there too


read the role of over-sampling of the wealthy in the survey of consumer finances by arthur b kennickell

a dual-frame sample

because the wealthiest one percent of households is estimated to hold about a third of all household net worth, it is critical that the scf pay particular attention to that rarefied group

the area-probability (ap) sample is selected from a geographically based national frame..about two thirds of the ultimately completed cases derive from this sample

the sample specifically excludes people who are listed as being members of the forbes list of the 400 wealthiest people in the u.s.

non-response, which is differentially higher among the wealthy

about 98 percent of scf cases with at least us$ 5 million of net worth in 2004 derived from the list sample; more than 85 percent of cases with at least us$ 1 million of net worth and about 75 percent of the cases with at least us$ 500,000 dollars came from this sample

response rates decline with capital income and rise with age and with amounts of charitable contributions made

the scf devotes substantial time and money to dealing with cooperation problems among the wealthy

despite the large difference in the levels of wealth at the top of the wealth distribution under the two samples, the shares of the wealthiest one percent are very similar - about one-third of the total.  but the standard errors are quite different - 5.1 under the ap sample and 1.2 under the combined samples


read does employer competition improve working conditions? by trent thompson

lack of competition among employers depresses not only wages, but also non-wage aspects of employment such as working conditions

the non-wage effects of employer power

a census of mining employment and safety

i use czs instead of metropolitan statistical areas (msas) because msas, by definition, do not account for rural areas where the majority of mining operations tend to be located

higher labor market concentration is significantly associated with higher rates of workplace accidents (model a), illnesses (model b), injuries (model c), and deaths (model d), such that a 10 percent increase in concentration is associated with around a 2 percent increase in the incidence rates of all four outcomes

just as market power affords employer's the ability to depress wages, it also affords them the ability to debase working conditions.  what is more, the effect of concentration on workplace safety appears to be many times larger than the effect on wages
